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zhao_admin12个月前 (06-01)英语课件53

my dream 我的梦想When I was a kid , I had a dream that I want to to be a pianist .I love music especially since I was a baby. One day I when I was watching TV , there is a man playing the piano .I find the music was so touching that I can hardly move .So I ask my parents if I could have a piano .To my surprise , my parents finally agree to buy a piano for me ,which made me very happy . I will never forget the day that I finally have it . I can't help leaving my eyes from my piano . I decide to work hard on it .I made my mind that I will practise some hours on playing the piano . When I grow up ,I want to be a professional pianist and play the piano for the world . I will let the music go around the world .I'd like to be a pianist ,and that is my dream .当我还很小的时候,我就有一个梦想那就是将来长大了要当一名钢琴家。我从小就特别喜欢音乐,有一天当我看电视的时候,电视里面有一个人在弹钢琴。我发觉那旋律是如此的美妙以至于我无法将目光从电视上挪开。所以我去问我的父母,我能不能要一架钢琴。令我意外的是,我的父母最终同意为我买一架钢琴。这令我非常高兴。我绝不会忘了当我拥有钢琴的那一天,我几乎无法将目光从上面挪开。我决定刻苦练习,每天都练上几个小时。当我长大后,我要做一名专业的钢琴师,我要为全世界去演奏钢琴。我要让美妙的旋律飘向世界。我要做一名钢琴师,这就是我的梦想。




