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我最尊敬的人 英文演讲稿

zhao_admin12个月前 (06-03)英语课件33

  I respect people who
  In my innocence, the deeply buried many of admiration. For example: hard-working, Gardener, Qinxuekulian students and maintain traffic traffic Uncle ... ... Among them, I felt that I respect most is the ordinary work of a female cleaner! ~
  She - Earth genuine barber. She was about 30 years old, a pair of piercing eyes, crescent-like eyebrows, rosy face, a long with a cherry-like mouth, his face is always wearing a smile, makes people feel extraordinarily warm. Every day I go to school, school, can see her shadow silently sweeping the streets. Last summer is still a moving story in my mind constantly flashing ... ... ... ...
  It was a Sunday morning, I went to cousin house guest, out of the house soon after saw a blocked sewer was dirt, and the road flooded with sewage water, pedestrians, cover your nose and elsewhere bypass line. They have no one stopped to think about how to solve this problem, all departments had their own, and his own did not seem any point in the relationship. 10:30 or so, I came out from the cousin at home, he saw one wearing orange hats, dressed in uniform were squatting cleaners gutter edge. I covered his nose and came closer, the original is the aunt who is dig the gutter cleaners of garbage has piled next to some trash: rotten fruit, leather, rotten vegetables ... ... ... ... stench, a group of green head flies rushed up, other people saw all stay away, I am afraid a little dirt stay in the clothes, the aunt did not Pazang, stinky, not only does not cover your nose, but also with delicate hands, lifted the lid cloacae . Summer weather is very hot, quickly rushed into the sewer stench inside the sky. I quickly stepped back, she went completely ignored, you see! Her hand to seize the garbage, suddenly take up the sewage, jump into her face, she refused to take a brush and continue to dig garbage, dig a consistently, over a long time, finally drains unimpeded la! Let us now look cleaner aunt, has become a big Erhualian. I covered his nose and asked: Auntie, you are not afraid of Pazang tired? Aunt smiled and said: Oh! To people doing the right thing Zaikuzailei I do live. She does not cover the lid, the Good next to the garbage cleaning, but also to continue to sweep the street went.
  See this scene, I can not help thinking: ah cleaners, cleaners! You either raining or windy winter and summer, and always place the ring of people and create a better environment for working tirelessly holding. Whenever the big broom waving off the back, have another one leaving a clean street, although you wearing stained with sewage, stolen clothes, but you also have a one beautiful soul. Your mind is how bright, how bright, you are ordinary, and it is the greatest man! ! !








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