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zhao_admin1年前 (2022-06-04)英语课件40

In order to make students are much interested in learning English we hold this contest. We will recommend the first prize owner to be the English radio host of the school broadcast. Everyone of the senior one can take part in the context. From 15. September to 18. September you can apply for the contest in the shool speech hall. Please don't miss this golden oppurtunity.


My dear guest,welcome to the beautiful resort,DanXia Mountain ..And on the next two days I will be your tourists guard and show you the fantastic scenery.Now let me make a brief introduce about our daily arrangement and so on. Firstly,DanXia Mountain is locate on the east part of GuangDong ,and it is 280 km from the province which will take you six hours by car. Second,we'll have an hour at ShaoGuan city for eating our lunch. Third, we'll arrive NanXiong on five o'clock p.m. and stay on NanXiong hotel for a night,Then on the next day ,we go to DanXia Mountain. The last but not least,we all know that the one of third time of travelling is spending on journey,maybe you'll feel tired ,but I will introduce the beautiful scenery and anecdote to your guys to make our journey intresting ,Hope you could have a good time here .Now let's go !!!








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