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zhao_admin11个月前 (06-15)英语课件57

the man I respect most My father is the man I respect most。 Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration。 Once I broke a neighbor's window。 Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately。 When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened。 I could only tell him the truth。 Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor。 I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens。 How lucky I am to have such a good father! 我父亲是我最尊敬的人。虽然他可能严厉了一点,但他无时无刻不表现出他的关心和体贴。有一次我打破邻居窗户的玻璃。因为看到附近没有人在场,我立刻就跑掉。当父亲回家时,他注意到我的不安,因而询问我发生了什么事。 我只好告诉他实话。他不但没责骂我,反而称赞我的诚实,并鼓励我向邻居道歉。从这件事我就了解到,父亲不仅照顾我们的健康,他也教导我们如何成为好公民。我有这样一位好父亲真是太幸运了! 望您采纳,谢谢

我最敬佩的人 的英语作文

The one I admire the most is my father. First, he is very strong,he makes me feel very safty.
Second,he is good at many things such as basketball and ping-pong.I think he plays ping-pong
as well as Wanghao. Third,he is very popular in our big family,everyone in my family loves my
father very much .The most important of all, he is a great father,he loves me and mother a lot,he also helps me a lot.I do think he is as great as superman.I admire him!祝你新年快乐




