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英语作文; 我敬佩的人 要有翻译

zhao_admin11个月前 (06-15)英语课件54

In my heart, there are a lot of people that I admire. There are students, teachers, police... Among them, I admire most of us a dustman.
Whether cold summer, or the storm, I can always see aunt cleaner. She always loins, and in his hand a broom in area and constantly. Every time I see it, I would tell her to produce a homage. To tell you the truth, I even don't know what her name.
What impressed me most is the one evening last summer vacation. Because the blackout, so my father and I to the floor under shelter. Came downstairs, I saw many people are cool. Some people in the fan, Some people eat Popsicle, Some people in LiuWanEr. Suddenly I fell on a bench in the young couple, this one male and one female were sitting in a chair and chat, eat top female youth is low head, cutting pears, long pear skin dropped on the ground. Young male hand bag seeds, slowly cracking. GuaZiKe throw all over the ground. I think: really dirty! They do this without morality! Then after just pass from here to the aunt cleaner, have off days smock aunt after seeing this cleaner to the couple, said: comrade, please put GuaZiKe peel and throws the trash, speak hygiene. The couple will aunt conjectured, face a sarcastic smile: your father is when the mayor, let your nosy? Don't and she bothersome, like her, but the girl to do this thing, for. The that guy say. Aunt cleaner and listened to the angry but calmly said: yes, I was sweeping the floor, the work very ordinary, but you think, if everyone like you to do so, the city will become how dirty! The two words are nothing, aunt rose ruthlessly stare instead of the eye, aunt head also don't back off. Aunt saw shook his head. I thought that aunt came home. But after a few minutes, cleaner aunt took the broom and measures, she came back with a dustpan, holding the broom, they leave garbage sweeps clean.
I saw was touched.
Aunt cleaner, I want to learn, you learn your that serve the people's quality.








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