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求外研版八年级英语下册二单元《a beautifui smile》课文全文(英文,不要翻译中文)

zhao_admin11个月前 (07-07)英语课件61

A beautiful smile

When I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a smile.
That was my first year of junior high school life, early autumn. And my alma mater in the distance. Result, no one knows who I am. I am very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone.
Every time when I heard other students talking, laughing, I felt heartbroken. I can not talk to anyone about my problem, but I do not want parents to worry about me.
One day, my classmates and their friends happy to talk about. The glum as usual I sat at the table. Just then a man got into the classroom. I do not know who he is. He passed to me, and then turned around. He looked at me and smiled and said nothing.
Suddenly, I felt light and friendly touch. It makes me feel happy, full of vitality and warmth.
That smile changed my life. I started talking to other students and friends. Gradually, I became close to them and everyone in the class. Fortunately, the boy with a smile that has become my best friend.
One day I asked him why he smiled. But he did not remember me smile too.
It does not matter, because all the dark days are over. Now I believe that the world is the way you think. If you think you are alone, you may always be lonely, so the world smile, it will return your smile.








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