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Appreciating the short story "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place": 英语写作

zhao_admin11个月前 (07-19)英语课件42

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the most famous American writer in the 20th century. He has many literature works, including the most heard the Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, etc. I have read the Old Man and the Sea and considered it a great job. The story described a fight between an old man who had not caught a fish for 84 days and a big marlin. And the old man finally failed to catch the marlin. Yet, the theme of the story is not simply a description of a fierce fight. It conveys symbolic meaning of man fighting with nature and self-loneliness, which is a eternal theme for human beings to think deep into. Besides this novel, Hemingway's other works have shown deep weary of the war, which is a typical phenomenon found on the American soldiers returning from Europe after World war I and II. In short, Hemingway is certainly a great writer and what he presented in his works has left us much to think in the rest of our lives.

第二节:读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Years

A tragedy turning into a blessing
This story is about a tragedy turning into a blessing. The Clark family, who were unlucky to miss boarding Titanic because one son was bitten by a dog, were saved fortunately.   (32 words)
Mary, my friend, once had a similar experience as the Clark family. Last year her family were to make a trip to Beijing. Just on the afternoon before their trip, she was knocked down by a car when crossing a road and her leg was seriously hurt. She would have to lie in bed for 3 months and their trip had to be cancelled. That evening, she couldn’t help crying the moment she saw me. I made efforts to comfort her and promised to help her with English. I spared her much time. When she was recovered, her English improved greatly.                        (101 words)
Now she often says she is thankful for the accident, which has a great influence on her study and her thought. Faced with a tragedy, she can keep calm, expecting it to turn into a blessing.     








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