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zhao_admin10个月前 (07-20)英语课件48

1. Commuter's Helmet 公交、地铁乘车帽
Now you can sleep while you're on the go! The suction cup on the back keeps the commuter's head in place, while a message on the front asks fellow passengers, Could you please wake me up when I reach the stop printed below? Many thanks.
2. Hay Fever Hat 花粉过敏症帽子
Allergy sufferers, rejoice! Never again will you endure the ignominy of being out in public with no way to blow your nose. And you'll be blowing in style with this handsome toilet-paper-roll holder on your head.
3. Automated Ice Cream Cone 自动旋转冰淇淋筒
For the lazy--just stick out your tongue and enjoy. I admit that the present generation is lazy, but lazy enough that they would need an ice-cream cone which revolves by itself?
Load the removable dish with ice cream, push the button and the ice cream turns while you enjoy one of the world's most popular treats. Fun for all ages.
4. Duster Cat Slippers 猫咪扫地鞋
The product itself is simple enough. A set of dusters that would fit into the cat's paws and clean up the house while the cat idles around. That sounds innovative and useful, right? Obviously you'll have to ignore the fact that they lick their anus, then inevitable trying and lick their paws, thus spreading cat anus all over your nice new floor boards.
5. Where's your biscuits? 饼干去了哪里?
The biscuits are in the cup. In the base of the cup. In a nice little hole. Keeping warm.
6. 360 degrees of imagery 360度全方位照相机
Memories captured in 360 Degress real-time. All t




