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商务英语写作 会议通知

zhao_admin9个月前 (08-08)英语课件33

There will be a department meeting on November 30th at nine a.m in the meeting room on the third floor.We will have the sales plan and detailed implementation scheme and other things for next year arranged. Everyone is asked to take part in it on time with your notebook.Those who can’t attend it please keep me informed before the 28th . That’s all.Thank you.[ 66 words]
Announcer: The sales manager
Time: November 26th


英语作文 请你以英语课代表的身份, 用口头英语通知全班同学:下周一上午八点半到阶梯教

Hello, everyone! I've got something important to tell you. Next Monday, there will be a public lecture given by Teacher Chen at 8:30 in the morning in the lecture thture hall. All the English teachers in our school will attend the lecture. Now we are requested to do as following:
1. Clean te lecture hall and keep it tidy.
2. Please be well prepared before the lecture.
3. Please arrive the lecture hall before 8:30. Don't be late.
4. Listen carefully at the lecture.
5. Before ask or answer questions, please raise your hand first. Be polite to teachers.

Thank you for your attention!


Notice for Christmas Party

2PM Decembter 25th
Venue: school auditorium

All Students must be present and punctual.

Student Union




标签: 英语通知
