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请帮一下忙,写一篇这个英语短文。 问题:写一封信给你的朋友。描述你家不同的房间和周围的事物。

zhao_admin11个月前 (08-09)英语课件29

I'm very glad to get a letter from you. I know your home is beautiful. My home is beautiful too.
My house has four bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a utility room, a dinning room, a sitting room, a conservatory(sun room) and a downstairs separate toilet too. I sleep in one of the rooms downstairs opposite my hobby room, where I am now sitting and doing works with my computer, and next to me and behind me, there are two large fish tanks, in which I am keeping a lot of tropical fish. There are two further bed rooms upstairs, which I don't use, except one with its own bathroom that will be used by my daughter if she comes room to visit me. My son and his family live near by, so they don't have to stay overnight when they come to see me. my house also has a front and a back garden as well. I have apple, plum, vine and pear trees in the back garden, and a green house to grow tomatoes with. I have a roses corner and a very small fish pond too in my back garden. In the front garden it has flowers as well but mainly lawn. I like my house.


Dear 某某
How is everything going?
Here I will tell you something about my life now.
How about your life?
I am looking forward to hearing your early reply








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