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zhao_admin9个月前 (08-09)英语课件31

Hi all ,here we arrived the great wall ,now you have 2 hours here , we will leave on 9 o'clock , The car will be ready in the entrance ,Please mark down the car number and back in 9 o'clock on time .

Now please take all your belongings and turn off the window before getting down to the great wall .
Hope you all have a nice trip in the great wall .


The Great Wall is the only man-made structure on the earth visible from the moon. It was built during the Warring States period (476—221 B. C.) to prevent invasions by the nomadic nations from the north. It was completed by the first Qin emperor who united China into one country. The first Qin emperor mobilized several hundred thousand builders to link sections of the previous walls, thus completing what is known today as the Great Wall of China. The wall is 6,700 kilometers long from Shanhaikuan, which overlooks the gulf of Bo Hai, to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province. The average height of the wall is 7.8 meters, and its width averages 6.5 meters at the base and 5.8 meters at the top. Rectangular lookout posts were built about every 100 meters.
The section of the Great Wall frequented by tourists is in Badaling, 75 kilometers to the North of Beijing.
长城是地球上惟一人造结构能从月球上看到。它是建立在战国时期(476 - 221 b . c .)来防止入侵的从北方游牧民族的国家。这是完成第一个皇帝——秦始皇统一中国进入一个国家。第一个皇帝——秦始皇动员了几十万建筑商链接部分之前的墙壁,从而完成什么是今天被称为中国的长城。墙上是6700公里长从Shanhaikuan,俯瞰着海湾的博海,甘肃省嘉峪关。墙上的平均身高为7.8米,宽6.5米,平均底部和顶部5.8米。矩形了望哨建于大约每100米。




