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zhao_admin10个月前 (08-13)英语课件31

Yesterday was Sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to huangshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes broke. Dad said to me,“lihua don’t do anything halfway.” So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Since then, I've kept these shoes

高职高考 英语作文要背什么模块?

高考英语作文怎样写文章写好的几个技巧: 1、认真的书写是成功的前提。阅读者会在第一眼就对你留下良好印象; 2、写作时,应在选材和形式上多加斟酌,表现出你的智慧、思想和追求,即使阅卷者也自愧不如; 3、文章中应充满强烈的感情,因为唯有强烈的情感才能打动人心; 4、对手中的素材加以小小的修饰,使之更感人,更鲜明和更富有美感,这不是虚假,而是美化; 5、写作中要加进至少一种新颖的尝试,这种尝试是你从未使用过的。唯有你自己都觉得新鲜的东西,别人也才会觉得新鲜; 6、以第一人称写作最适宜抒情,并增加文章的真实感和可信度。


News is the focus of people, many people like to show. Is it arouses housework state, everything just people's desire, which affects the hearts of colur to remind people of the news reporter, you see, they many great, brave! I really admire them. In the evening, I dreamed I take this camera, hand, became a good interview.

If I am a journalist, I'll be interviewing ordinary farmers, for their cause, for they bolster, and they tell the truth, farmers are working hard, we must care for them, to help them.

If I am a journalist, I like the focus of interviews, the great uncle corruption fraud, let them all exposed the ugly face. Remind people bad is all around us, must be vigilant.

If I am a journalist, I want to go to the forefront of earthquake relief, understand the situation, tell everybody. How many victims were armed police officers, angel in white saved many innocent lives, including how aseismatic heroes emerge from all walks of life, and how people, disaster rescue, how will I self-preservation arouses people merciless disaster people love, love.

If I am a journalist, I want to go to the games, when the five-star red flag rise of that a moment, when the national anthem of singing, I put the exciting news spread all over the world. For the Olympic athletes, our country's honor.

If I am a journalist, I want to wars in the battlefield, where people in the war brought them disaster and pain, I want to tell them to people all over the world, let them give a little love, let the world becomes more harmonious happy!

If I am a journalist, where I need, I'll where, for the motherland's interests and honor, and for the people's sufferings and scream!








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