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访客2年前 (2021-04-28)英语课件77


Module 2 My New Teachers

Period 2
Teaching Content:
Reading And Vocabulary
Teaching Aims and Demands:
Language knowledge
1. New words: nervous, patient, serious, amusing, admit, appreciate, avoid, scientific, physics, literature, summaries, respect…
2.Grammar: verbs followed by V–ing
Reading skill
Understanding how to describe a person
Affection and attitudes
Understanding new teachers and forming positive attitudes towards the studies of all subjects in senior high.
Learning strategies
1.Categorizing adjectives used to describe characters of people
2.Summing up verbs followed by V-ing.
Cultural awareness
Getting prepared for the comparison of education systems, teacher-student relationship and other aspects between China and foreign countries.

Teaching Aids

Teaching Procedures
Ⅰ. Revision
Help students to revise words that is learnt in Period One of this module by answering questions:
1. Who was your favorite teacher in Junior High?
2. What adjectives will you use to describe your favorite teacher in Junior High?
Ⅱ. Pre-reading activities
Lead in the study of the text by carrying out the following activities.
1.What adjectives will you use to describe me –- your new English teacher? What about other teachers?
(Ask students to speak out as many words as they can)
2. Look at the pictures. What are your first impressions of the three teachers? (Prediction)
(Ask students to write down the adjectives and check with their partners)
Ⅲ. Reading for main idea
Help students to grasp the main idea of the text by doing the task..
1.Read the text fast and check your prediction.
Mrs. Li _______________
Mrs. Chen _______________
Mr. Wu _______________
2. Answer the following questions.
1) Who is the most popular teacher?
2) Who is the kindest teacher?
3) Which teacher are students most afraid of?
Ⅳ. Reading for detailed information
Make sure students get the detailed information by doing the following.
1.Read the text again and fill in the table.
Name Appearance/
Character Subject Teaching style My feeling
Mrs. Li
Mrs. Chen
Mr. Wu
2. Read the text again. Ask and answer the questions in pairs:
1)What first impression did Mrs. Li give to the writer? Why?
2)Why don’t you feel completely stupid in her class?
3)Guess what faster students think of her class?
4)Are all the students on time for Mrs. Chen’s class? Why?
5)Why don’t some of the class like her?
6)What is Mr. Wu’s teaching style?
7)Why is he very popular among his students?

Ⅴ. Dealing with expressions
1.Read the text again and underline all the verbs followed by V –ing. Make sure students understand the meaning of each sentence.
2. Find words and phrases in the text that match the definitions below. (Activity 3, P13)
3. Pay attention to these sentences.
A. but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you don’t feel completely stupid! (Line 8, Para.1)
1)All the people laughed at me, so that I felt embarrassed.
2)The girl practiced playing the violin very hard, so that she did a very good job at the concert.
3)The next morning my uncle got up early, so that he was able to catch the first bus.
Discussion: What does so that + clause show? Time, reason, purpose or result?
B. I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me. (the last sentence of Para.2)
1)I’ll make more progress in my English study with you helping me.
2)He really couldn’t work with a baby crying in the next room.
3)They walked on with the white snow shining under the sun. ……
Questions: 1)Do you understand these sentences?
2) Can you rewrite each sentence?
Ⅵ. Language use
1. Retell the text according to the key words in the table
Name Appearance/Character Subject Teaching style My feeling
1。Mrs. Li nervous,
shy, kind, patient English explain,
smile slowly for,
wonderful for
make progress
2.Mrs. Chen
not smile physics well-organized
explain exactly never be my favorite lesson
do well in
3.Mr. Wu good-looking
amusing Chinese literature talk
tell respect a lot
2. Discuss the following questions in pairs:
1) Of the three teachers which one do you like best? Why?
2) Would you like Mrs. Chen to be your physics teacher? Why or why not?
3. Ask students to describe their new teachers in groups of four and then give a presentation.
The following key words are given to help them:
name, appearance/character, teaching style, their goals in the new term

1. Exercises 2 and 4 (Textbook P13)
2. Exercise 5 (Workbook P74)





