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zhao_admin9个月前 (08-23)英语课件34

The tree is big and green.My classmate says:What a big tree!”“Well,let's paint it.”We start to draw it for a long time.OKI say.Oh,it's so beautiful.my classmate saysbut it is not green.I look at it again.He was rihgt.It was!


i was in my friend's home yesterday.his home is nice and big.his mother and sister are friendly.he has a tidy bedroom.i have supper with them.his mother cooks well.i like to be at his home very much.

六年级pep英语作文my hobby.my best friend.my holiday .my last...

Different people have different hobbies.I'm interested in collecting dolls.So I have a lot of dolls.I take good care of them,just like friends.I love them very much and they come from different countries such as China, England,France......
Most of them are expensive.They cost me a lot of money.But I'm very happy to have them.
What's your hobby?I think that must be very interesting.

My name is John. I have a very best friend. Her English name is Amy. She lives in Chine. She is a middle school student. She is a pretty. She has two big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She is an active girl. She likes watching cartoons and playing basketball best. On weekends, she often plays basketball with her friends in the morning and watches cartoons in the evening. She is a good student, too. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. So she is a reporter in her school, and she always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other every day. And she can teach me English, too. I like her very much.

i had much fun during my holidays. although i had a lot of homework to do. but when i have finished it, my parents took me to a trip to beijing.
we took train to go there and we have visited many interesting places like Forbidden city, Great wall of China, Summer Palace and others.
We have spent 4 days in Beijing and than we returned back home.
When we came back i didnt do anything special. I went out to park, at home i watched TV and play some computer games.
I cant wait next holidays, because i will have a lot of free to and do everything i want.

My last weekend was really cool. I got up early on Saturday because my parents and I decided to go to the park. We went boating and climbed the mountain. We had a pinic in the park and we really enjoyed ourselves. I did my homework last Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I visited my parents and helped them with the housework. In the evening I sufed the interenet and read books. I really had a good time last weekend 不 懂问




标签: 英语作文my




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