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zhao_admin9个月前 (09-04)英语课件28


  大学英语写作词汇1   1. 互信 mutual trust

  2. 诚信 credibility

  3. 品德 morality

  4. 创新 innovation

  5. 共赢 all-win

  6. 欺诈 fraud

  7. 代价 cost

  8. 社会文明 social civilization

  9. 假冒伪劣产品 fake commodities

  10. 社会危害 harm to society

  11. 学术造假 academic cheating

  12. 诚实为上策 Honestly is the best policy.

  13. 减少浪费 reduce waste

  14. 促进改革 promote reform

  15. 减轻负担 reduce the burden of……

  16. 调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure

  17. 物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress

  18. 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice

  19.网恋cyber romance

  20. 网购online shopping

  21. 团购Group shopping

  22. 秒杀Sec-kill

  23. 网店online shop/store

  24. 信誉credit

  25. 退款refund

  大学英语写作词汇2   1. be confident in 对…有信心

  2. be characterized by 以…为特征

  3. be clever at 擅长于

  4. be combined with 与…结合

  5. be composed of 由……组成

  6. be concerned about 关心,挂念

  7. be curious to (do) 很想(做)

  8. be dependent on/upon 取决于,依赖

  9. be determined to (do) 决心(做)

  10. be different from 与…不同

  11. be eager for 渴望

  12. be eager to (do) 急于要(做)

  13. be equal to 等于

  14. be famous for 以…著名

  15. be fond of 喜欢,爱好

  16. be free from 无…的,摆脱了…的

  17. be friendly to 对…友好

  18. be glad to (do) 乐于(做),对…感到高兴

  19. be good at (doing) 善于,擅长

  20. be good for 适于,在…期间有效

  21. be grateful to 感谢,感激

  22. be independent of 脱离…而独立,与…无关

  23. be indispensable for 对…必不可少的

  24. be interested in 对…感兴趣

  25. be kind enough to (do) 承…好意,恳请

  大学英语写作词汇3   1. 认为,主张argue, maintain, hold, believe

  2. 考虑take…sth. into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/ upon, meditate on the matter(思考这问题), ponder over

  3. 下结论,断定come into conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, decide, assert(宣称)

  4. 获得acquire, obtain, attain, reap

  5. 赢得,取得earn, gain, procure

  6. 支持,赞成approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one's side, agree with, give one's assent

  7. 提倡advocate, recommend

  8. 反对opposite, object to

  9. 抵制resist

  10. 意义深远的,重大的far-reaching, profound, significant, eventful(变故多的,重要的)

  11. 重要的,有决定性的vital, crucial, critical, decisive

  12. 充分运用optimize, make best use of, make full use of,

  13. 使用employ, utilize(vt.)

  14. 应用apply

  15. 后来,然后 afterwards, later on, later, after all

  16. 高兴的,心情好的be in a good mood, happy, cheerful, joyful, Joyous, pleased, delighted

  17. 当前,目前nowadays, at present, currently, presently

  18. 表达voice, convey, express, deliver, communicate

  19. 描绘,描述,描写depict, describe, picture

  20. 勤奋的,勤勉的diligent, studious(慎重的), industrious, assiduous

  21. 认真的,谨慎的conscientious, cautious

  22. 冷静的,清醒的sober, reasonable, sensible, rational

  23. 聪明的,有才智的intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant

  24. 疲惫不堪的exhausted,fatigued,run-down,worn-out,weary

  25. 适应be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to

  26. 阻碍,阻止hinder(后面的), curb(路边), hamper, restrain, prevent, ward off, avoid

  27. 好处,优点advantage,merit,benefit

  28. 坏处,缺点disadvantage, defect, flaw, drawback, deficiency

  29. 参加participate in, attend, take part in, go in for, engage in

  30. 集中精力于 focus on, center on, concentrate on









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求初三 一篇英语课文 Unit 4的Travel

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