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zhao_admin10个月前 (09-06)英语课件40

I just arrived Sydney by plane this afternoon,When I passed the newspaper stand,I saw this beautiful postcard,so I bought it and wanted to send it to you.I think I will go to stay in Hilton,from the pamphlet I received in the airport,I saw it looked like a white palace,there is beach beside it,so I will also swin there.I am going to India several days later,because I have some task to do.


Dear **
I am travelling in Hong Kong now.I am having a good time here.Today,I went to Disneyland .I spent the whole day at Disneyland.I love Space Mountain very much.I was screaming and laughing through the whole ride.I was excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afernoon.I took many photos here.I will show them toyou wheni come back.
Best wishes! Yours ,


在信封正面的左上角,写上发信人姓名、地址。在信封上面中央偏左一点,写收信人的姓名、地址(如图1)。如果信封的正面写不下发信人的姓名和地址也可写在信封反面的三角尖上。 如果信件不是邮寄,而是托人转交,可在信封的左下角写上kindness of...(受托人的姓名)或By courtesy of...(受托人的姓名)或By favour of...(受托人的姓名)。以上这些字样都等于中文的“敬烦某某转交”。 如果是介绍信,由被介绍人面交,可在信封左上角写上Introducing Mr.(Mrs.,Miss,etc.)(姓名)或To introduce...(姓名)或Recommending ...(姓名)。以上这些字样等于中文中的“兹介绍某人……”。 在信封的左下角可以写上信件的性质,如Personal或Confidential或Private,这些字样等于中文的“亲启”或“绝密”。如果需要还可以注明Immediate或 Urgent或Rush,这些字样等于中文的“急件”。视需要也可以注明Attention of...,等于中文的“请某人拆阅”或“请某人处理”。 写在信封左上角 “A”的位置的字样,如: If undelivered,please return to(无法投递,退回原处) After 10 days,please return to(十天后请寄回) Return Postage Guaranteed(回信邮资已付) Via San Francisco(经由旧金山) By airmail to San Francisco,by train to Hong Kong.(到旧金山用航空,到香港用火车) 写在信封中间上方“B”的位置的字样,如: Printed Matter(印刷品) Sample(样品) Sample of No value(无价值的样品) With Compliments(赠品) Photo Only(内有像片,请勿折叠) 写在邮票下面“C”的位置的字样,如: Via Airmail;By Airmail;Par Avion(航空) 写在信封左下角“D”的位置上的字样,如: Introducing Mr....(兹介绍……先生) Kindness of Mr....(敬烦……先生转交) Per favor of Mr....(敬烦……先生转交) Private(亲启) Personal(私函) Confidential(密函) Registered(Reg.,Regd.)(挂号) Urgent(急件) Immediate(急件) forward(请转交) Care of(c/o)(请……转交) Please Read dress(请转寄) Post Restante(留存邮件) Care Postmaster(留存邮局) 警示牌 全部都是大写。 明信片的写法参照信封,一样的




