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zhao_admin11个月前 (09-08)英语课件26

Ⅳ.Cloze test.完形填空。(共20分)�
A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?�
B:Yes, 41 .Walk 42 this road and 43 the 44 turning on the right.Walk 45
and you will see a park.The post office is next 46 it.�
A:Is it near here?�
B:It 47 you twenty minutes 48 . But you can 49 a bus.�
A:Thank you.�
B: 50 .�
41.A.it has B.it have � C.there is D.there are�
42.A.off B.in � C.to D.along�
43.A.go B.take � C.get D.find�
44.A.third B.three � C.number three D.a third�
45.A.on B.in � C.to D.at�
46.A.from B.beside � C.at D.to�
47.A.uses B.takes � C.makes D.lets�
48.A.on foot B.by foot � C.on feet D.by feet�
49.A.by B.need � C.take D.catch �
50.A.Not at all B.Don’t say that �
C.Thanks D.No�
41~45 CDBAA 46~50 DBACA
Cloze test.完形填空。�
Mr.Smith is an 21 .He comes 22 New York.He has a daughter. 23 name is Alice.Now she is 24 Mr.Smith in Beijing.Mr.Smith is a teacher.He 25 English in a middle school.He can 26 a little Chinese.So he 27 to Chinese class every evening.He is learning very fast.Alice 28 at home in the evening.She likes 29 TV.On Sundays,Mr.Smith often
30 Alice to the park.They are very happy in China.�
21.A.English B.Chinese� C.French D.American�
22.A.to B.from� C.at D.of�
23.A.His B.Her� C.My D.Your�
24.A.with B.and� C.to D.for�
25.A.teach B.teacher� C.teaches D.teaching�
26.A.say B.speaks� C.speak D.says�
27.A.go B.goes� C.going D.come�
28.A.stays B.lives� C.live D.stay�
29.A.watch B.watches� C.watching D.to watch�
30.A.brings B.takes� C.gets D.allows�
Ⅲ.21~25 DBBAC 26~30 CBACB
1.The supermarket is on the (five) Avenue.
2.There are two (library)in our school.
3.Ben has an (interest)book.
4.Let’s read from the (begin) of this book.
5.This isn’t my shirt.It’s (you).
1.I live on a very (繁华的)street.
2.My friend usually sits on a (长凳)near his house,reading books.
3.When I am on a trip.I’d like to live in a (旅馆).
4.What’s in your (邻近地区)?
5.John likes to live in a small house (带有)an interesting garden.
Ⅰ.1.Fifth 2.libraries 3.interesting 4.beginning 5.yoursⅠ.1.busy 2.bench 3.hotel 4.neighborhood 5.with
1.My little brother is very (聪明的).
2.I have a (地图)of the world.
3.The people here are very (友好的).
4.Let’s play a game.You can have five (猜测).
5. (有)some meat in that box.
1.I (learn)English now.I (learn)two new words every day.
2.―Where’s Dick?
―He (take)Chip for a walk.He (take)him for a walk every evening.
3.― (be)you busy,Jeany?
―Yes,I (write)a letter.I always (write)to my pen pal every week.
4.―Dad,can you help me?
―I’m sorry,dear.I (wash)the car.I (wash)it at the weekend.
5.It’s (rain)outside.He can’t (go)out.Now he (listen)to the radio in the living-room.
Ⅰ.1.smart 2.map 3.friendly 4.guesses 5.There is
Ⅱ.1.am learning;learn 2.is taking;takes 3.Are,am writing,write 4.am washing;wash









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