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zhao_admin8个月前 (09-08)英语课件36

I'm sorry. I can't go to your biryhday party on Firday. My parents are going to hiking in the mountains. My grandmother is ill in the hospital.I have to look after her. And I must stuty for my math test on next monday.Thanks for asking.

人教版八年级英语下册第二单元P15 2提建议的短文怎么写?!

Dear looking for help,
    There are lots of things you could do. First, you could talk about your problems with your cousin, and ask her to return what she borrowed from you. If this means nothing to her, you should not lend anything to her. Second, you can borrow something, maybe a dictionary from her, and don't return it, By doing this, she may know you also need something. Maybe she could return you math book.
   Good luck!
    Aunt Chen




