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zhao_admin8个月前 (09-12)英语课件35

Dear Jane,
How are you doing?
Before the winter holiday,I always go to school to study and do homework after school,which in order that I can catch up with my classmates.
Now,as the winter holiday's coming,I stay at home and usually help my mother to do housework.Of course,I also take time doing my homework.
How about you?Could you tell me?
Best wishes to you.


Dear XXX:
After graduation,I'd go to tecnique institute to learn how to repair cars, for China has become the numger one in the produce and sell cars in the world. there are more than 2 billion car in China,so the car repairing will certainly be a hopeful career. through my hard work, I would have my company fo my own,then I may help more people.



How are you now?
Today,I am surprised and pleasure at seeing newspaper report that about your wedding.Firstly,I apologize for my absence.I was very busy lately that I have no time for your wedding.And then,my best wishes for you.
Last time you wrote me that you and your wife will moved to my neighbour.I'm very glad to hear the news. We have not seen for years.I miss you sorely.When you came back,we can do what we have done year's ago.I deeply hope that we will live like before just as we were never been apart.I really love the feeling with you.I'll be waiting for you and your wife.We'll get on very pleasant.
I miss you very much.I'm looking forward to see you.
Yours sincerely,




