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访客2年前 (2021-04-29)英语课件91

Chinese Culture and I

With long long history,involved widely in various sections,China is one of the great civilized countries,which still keeps its rank nowadays,constantly and fully deserved.As a Chinese,we should say,we are so proud of that.Be proud of our history,our ancestors,our spirits,and our culture.Yes,our culture,the invaluable ,unmeasurable,brilliant,and powerful thing we own.
Culture to a country,with exaggeration,is the soul of a person.The engine of the country ,which support us go forwards from a ancient country to a modern one.
Without question,Chinese culture contributed a lot to this great honor. Many aspects of Chinese culture can be traced back many centuries ago.For more than 5000 years' accumulation,Chinese culture has its own power and charms. Chinese culture is so diverse and unique, and presents itself an invaluable asset to the world.
As Chinese,our culture affects us soundlessly and persistently in our school study,career,relationship,daily life,or exactly I mean all through our lives.The way we eat,the way we connect,the way we talk and so on. Take me for example,influenced nearly 20 years since I was born,all the behaviour are deeply affected by that.
Both extensive and profound,the words we describe our Chinese culture.Obviously ,there are so many aspects in Chinese Culture.Traditional Chinese madicine,Chinese tea,China world heritage site,Chinese Kung Fu,China's festivals etc.Let me demonstrate some of them in detail.
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine make a great influence on the whole world with a very long history. It is supposed to have existed since the time of the Yellow Emperor.It is believed that roots and herbs have healing powers. According to Chinese religious philosophy, all things in nature, both on this planet and beyond, are interrelated. Traditional Chinese Medicine doesn't develop in China only,it also spreads to Korea ,Japan and other counties in Asia.But as the passing by, it has won wide acceptance within the medical profession all around the world.
And in my family,a Chaoshan family,all my families prefer traditional Chinese medicine.There are traditional Chinese clinic in my hometown,it's popular for us back to there to see the doctors.Take me for example,with a little body empty,the western Western medicine can't tell what exactly to do but the traditional Chinese medicine.My parents and maybe the old,speak highly of traditional Chinese medicine than western medicine,and never can be replace,and actually it does.
Chinese Tea
Living in Guangdong,I can't help talking about Chinese tea,especially Gongfu tea. Gongfu tea generally refers to the more formal preparation of chinese tea using small, unglazed teapots made of purple sand . Gongfu tea preparation uses short, multiple infusions of a single batch of leaves. People often have gongfu tea with families,relations,and friends,having a chat.Like me,during the new year,friends of my father's pay a visit to us after,dinner.They always sit around and chat,having Gongfu tea.
Chinese Food
Once people talk about,I can't help being proud.Long history,wide land area ,various ingredients,and so on.,with all these factors,without question,Chinese food is a wonder,miracle.Food has a special meaning to the Chinese people. Chinese use surprising range and variety of plants and animals, and every part of a plant or animal . To Westerners it can be overwhelming - healthy,surprising, fantastic, delicious.But food from different area is widely different,so people from all over the country maybe not accustomed to some.In our college,northern students always complain about the food.
Chinese Traditional Festivals
Spring Festival (The Chinese New Year) is the biggest and most celebrated festival in China and part of East and South East Asia.During the festival,wherever people are ,they will go back home ,the warmest place where there their parents,children,wife ,or husband.The families get together ,having feast;relations or friends meet each other.Just enjoy their reunion,happiness,relaxed time.It's the most expected moment for Chinese.In my family,it's a common to do that .

Lantern Festival follow the New year(15th of the 1st month).There will be lantern exhibits, lion and dragon dances, and eating Tang Yuan (ball-shaped boiled sweet rice dumplings with delicious stuffings.) feature this day. It is very much celebrated in the rural areas by farmers. The Lantern Festival also marks the end of the Chinese New Year season.

Then follow the Qing Ming (Pure & Brignt in Chinese).Originally it was a celebration of spring. People used to customarily go out on an excursion to "tread grass". Later it became day dedicated to the dear departed. Tidying up ancestors' tombs is its major big event.This festival mean so much to my hometown.Every year,no matter how busy you are,you should return to where your ancestors buried and sweeping the graves and worship.It's believe that all this is related to our fate,our future.

Said to be in memory of a great patiot poet of the then State of Chu during the Warring States period, who drowned himself to protest his emperor who gave in to the bully State of Chin. Duan Wu (Dragon Boat) Festival present .Now the big event of dragon boat contest may be a legacy of such activity. People today still eat the bamboo-leave rice dumplings on the occasion today.

Mid-Autumn Festival (15th of the eighth month),it is second only to the Chinese New Year in significance. The moon on this day is the fullest and largest to the eye. Viewing it by the whole family while feasting on good wine, fruits and moon-cakes features the night event. There is also a beautiful story behind it. Children are told that there's fairy on the moon living in a spacious but cold crystal palace with her sole companion, a jade rabbit. A heavenly general and friend would occasionally pay her a visit, bringing along his fragrant wine. She would then dance a beautiful dance. The shadows on the moon made the story all the more credible and fascinating to the young imaginative minds.

Chinese customs in daily life in China
China is known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies. Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation such as 'civility costs nothing' or 'courtesy demands reciprocity' and so on.
Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute. This tradition has a history of more than 2000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except. And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions.
Bowing, as to convey respect to the higher level, is often used by the lower like subordinates, students, and attendants. But at present Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting. To some extent this evolution reflects the ever-increasing paces of modern life.

It is common social practice to introduce the junior to the senior, or the familiar to the unfamiliar. When you start a talk with a stranger, the topics such as weather, food, or hobbies may be good choices to break the ice. To a man, a chat about current affairs, sports, stock market or his job can usually go on smoothly.

As is said above, Chinese consider gifts as an important part to show courtesy. It is appropriate to give gifts on occasions such as festival, birthday, wedding, or visiting a patient. If you are invited to a family party, small gifts like wine, tea, cigarettes, or candies are welcomed. Also fruit, pastries, and flowers are a safe choice.
These days,Chinese are widely spread all around the world,popularly accepted by different people.Nevertheless,the culture competition is get hotter and hotter among the countries due to their economy and politics.
We can see that the young adore the American culture,Japanese culture and Korean culture,in contrast with these phenomenons,they think nothing about our own culture.However it's common that various cultures mix together,create new ones.There is no doubt that we should follow the trends to improve ours,and make it useful to the progress we build our harmonious society.Of course,you and me ,we should keep our splendid traditional and characteristic culture.
Take the responsibility to protect Chinese culture,don't miss until we lose it.








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