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新视野大学英语读写教程第二册网络学习further reading答案

zhao_admin7个月前 (10-30)英语课件20

unit1 n y ng y y n n Suggested answer: your own group Suggested answer: culture and history Suggested answer: rural region y n n y ng n y Suggested answer: genuine core values Suggested answer: reality and be adult Suggested answer: clear conscience unit2 ng y y n y n n Suggested answer: the city council Suggested answer: at each other's throat Suggested answer: deliver leaflets n y y y n n ng Suggested answer: deprive him of Suggested answer: capital offence Suggested answer: reply upon themselves for unit3 n n n y y y ng Suggested answer: their leader and commander Suggested answer: of a hawk Suggested answer: endless warfare y n y y n n ng Suggested answer: get a large fortune Suggested answer: mysterious race Suggested answer: none other than unit4 y n y y n ng n Suggested answer: drowning and damage to property Suggested answer: underdeveloped countries Suggested answer: The spread of contagious diseases y y ng N n n y Suggested answer: clearly defined Suggested answer: developing countries Suggested answer: zoo conservation programs unit5 y n y n ng y n Suggested answer: their host Suggested answer: send someone gifts Suggested answer: in black y y ng n y n y Suggested answer: the truth Suggested answer: plain speaking Suggested answer: our shortcomings unit6 n n y n ng n y Suggested answer: the mass production Suggested answer: the cocoa press Suggested answer: 1765 n y n y y n ng Suggested answer: still poor Suggested answer: by all regions Suggested answer: in Asia unit7 n n y n ng y Y Suggested answer: one likes Suggested answer: the most lasting pleasure Suggested answer: a capacity n n y n ng y n Suggested answer: closer to the equator Suggested answer: middle or eastern Suggested answer: 12 to 18 months unit8 y y y n n ng n Suggested answer: Eastern Europe Suggested answer: psychological and social Suggested answer: a low level n y n ng n y y Suggested answer: the power of perseverance Suggested answer: something that will Suggested answer: accomplish their dreams








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