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新概念英语第二册第五课课后习题答案详解Lesson  5 1.c根据课文底第3行but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage判断,只有c. He cant get one 是对的。2. a根据课文内容,养鸽子的目的是为了传递信息,只有a. he uses them to send messages与课文的意思相同,而其他3个选择都没有这种含义。3. dd. his 既可以做所有格形容词又可以做所有格代词,意思是他的,相当于一个名词,本句只有选d. 句子The garage is his才符合语法. 4. ba. that's so(真的,是那样);c. because(由于,因为)常用来引导原因状语从句; d.   for(由于„„的缘故,因为)用于提出证据或说明。本句只有选b. That'swhy(这就是为什么)才可以说明理由,与前一句构成因果关系,而其他3个选择都不符合逻辑。5. c本句是一般过去时的疑问句,句中已经给出助动词did,只需要填一个动词原形即可。 只有c. buy 是动词原形,其他3个都不是。6. d本句是针对距离的远近来提问的。A. long ago... until 不是说明距离的, long ago从不和until连用; b. ong „away 是说明距离的,但应该是long„away from„; c. away„till 中away 不应该和till连用,不符合习惯用法,从意义上讲不通;只有d. far„ from (离„„远)是说明距离远近的,符合英语中惯用法,所以选d. 7. a本句需要选一个介词用在three minutes 之前,表示所用的时间。 只有



1 Does the writer always get up early on Sundays, or does he always get up late?

The writer always get up late on Sundays.

2 Did he get up early last Sunday, or did he get up late?

He got up late last Sunday.

3 Who telephoned then?

his aunt Lucy telephoned then.

4.had she just arrived by train, or had she come on foot?

She had just arrived by train.

5 Was she coming to see him or not?

She was coming to see him.

6 Did he say, ‘I'm still having breakfast’, or did he say, ‘I am still in bed’?

He said that he was still having breakfast.

7 Was his aunt very surprised or not?

she was very surprised

8 What was the time?

it was one o'clock

Key structures 关键句型

Now, Often and Always 表示现在和经常发生的动作

Study these statements and questions from the passage.


Now Often and Always

It's raining. I never get up early on Sundays.

I'm coming to see you. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.

I'm still having breakfast. Do you always get up so late?

What are you doing?

Here are some more sentences:


He is still sleeping.


He rarely gets up before 10 o'clock.


We're enjoying our lunch.


We frequently have lunch at this restaurant.


I am reading in bed.


Do you ever read in bed?


Exercises 练习

A Write out these two paragraphs again. Give the right form of the words in parentheses.


1 I am looking out of my window. I can see some children in the street. The children ___are playing___ (play) football. They always ___play___ (play) football in the street. Now a little boy ___is kicking___ (kick) the ball. Another boy ___is running___ (run) after him but he cannot catch him.

2 I carried my bags into the hall.

‘What---are-- you ___doing___ (do)?’my landlady asked.

‘I __am leaving____ (leave), Mrs. Lynch, ’ I answered.

‘Why--are -- you ___leaving___ (leave)?’ she asked. ‘You have been here only a week. ’

‘A week too long, Mrs. Lynch, ’ I said. ‘There are too many rules in this house. My friends never __come____ (come) to visit me. Dinner is always at seven o'clock, so I frequently __go____ (go) to bed hungry. You don't like noise, so I rarely ___listen___ (listen) to the radio. The heating doesn't work, so I always __feel___ (feel) cold. This is a terrible place for a man like me. Goodbye, Mrs. Lynch. ’

B Note the position of the words in italics in these sentences.


My friends never come to visit me.


I frequently go to bed hungry.


I rarely listen to the radio.


I always feel cold.


I never get up early on Sundays.


I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.


Write these sentences again. Put the words in parentheses in the right place.


1 She answers my letters. (rarely)

1.She rarely answers my letters.

2 We work after six o'clock. (never)

2.We never work after six o'clock.

3 The shops close on Saturday afternoons. (always)

3 The shops always close on Saturday afternoons

4 Do you go to work by car? (always)

4 Do you always go to work by car? (always)

5 Our teacher collects our exercise books. (frequently)

5 Our teacher frequently collects our exercise books

6 We spend our holidays abroad. (sometimes)

6 We sometimes spend our holidays abroad.

7 I buy CDs. (often)

7 I often buy CDs.

8 Do you buy CDs? (ever)

8 Do you ever buy CDs

Special difficulties 难点

在英语中往往可以用what引导的感叹句来表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等感情。在感叹句中主谓语采用正常语序。如课文中第3行的例句“What a day!”注意以下例句:

Instead of saying: We can say:

除了这种表述方法外: 还可以说:

It is a terrible day! What a terrible day!

This is a beautiful picture! What a beautiful picture!

Or : What a beautiful picture this is!

Exercise 练习

Write these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with What.


1 This is a wonderful garden!

What a wonderful garden!

2 This is a surprise!

What a surprise this is!

3 He is causing a lot of trouble!

What a lot of trouble he is causing!

4 They are wonderful actors!

What wonder actors they are!

5 She is a hard-working woman!

What a hard working woman she is!

6 It is a tall building!

What a tall building!

7 It's a terrible film!

What a terrible film!

8 You are a clever boy!

What a clever boy he is!

9 She is a pretty girl!

What a pretty girl she is!

10 He is a strange guy!

What a strange guy he is!

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1 When Aunt Lucy telephoned ______ .

a.the writer was asleep

b.the writer was still in bed

c.the writer had already got up

d.the writer was having lunch

2 Aunt Lucy was surprised because ______ .

a.the writer was having lunch

b.it was one o'clock

c.it was late

d.the writer was having breakfast at lunchtime

Structure 句型

3 He sometimes ______ in bed until lunchtime.

a.stay b.is staying

c.stays d.staying

4 He stayed in bed until lunchtime. He went ______ bed late last night.

a.in b.into

c.to d.at

5 He doesn't get up early on Sundays. He gets up ______ .

a.late b.lately

c.slowly d.hardly

6 ______ did Aunt Lucy come? By train.

a.When b.How

c.Why d.Where

7 The writer can't see Aunt Lucy ______ He's having breakfast.

a.still b.now

c.often d.always

Vocabulary 词汇

8 He ______ out of the window and saw that it was raining.

a.looked b.saw

c.remarked d.watched

9 Just then, the telephone rang. It rang ______ .

a.at once b.immediately

c.again d.at that moment

10 She was his aunt, so he was her ______ .

a.son b.grandson

c.nephew d.niece

11 Breakfast is the first ______ of the day.

a.food b.dinner

c.lunch d.meal

12 Aunt Lucy said, ‘Dear me, ’ because she was ______ .

a.angry b.surprised

c.tired d.pleased

Sentence structure 句子结构

Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text.


I arrived by train a moment ago.

I've __just arrived by train____





