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zhao_admin6个月前 (11-28)英语课件34


经典英语散文1 Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki

ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us.

What are these traditional snacks? Chips, or as they are called in Britain, crisps, are a favourite snack and as with most popular snacks they are not a healthy option (选择). Laden with grease (油脂) because of their origin in the fat fryer (油炸用的食品) they are the dieters curse (咒骂). Another great favourite is chocolate and again it is a food option that is well capable of converting a sleek (光滑的) physique (体形) into something a little more wobbly (不稳定的)!

Regarding the healthiness of snacks a big problem of so many of the regular popular options out there is generally their low quality. What you might buy in the stores on the high streets has been mass produced with all sorts of rubbish added to boost the flavour at minimum (最小的) cost. If you were to actually get many of these snack types made at home then they would probably be a lot better for you. For instance, chocolate comes from South America. The original examples of chocolate are very different to what we are now used to. Our chocolate has so much sugar and fat added to it that it would be quite unpalatable (不好吃的) to someone used to the traditional version. However, because we have all been brought up on food and snacks with no subtlety (狡猾,微妙) of flavour then we cannot appreciate the more traditional examples of snacks.

So because of this way our snacks are made we have developed a love-hate relationship with them. Our taste buds (味蕾) demand the satisfaction only snacks can give but the diet industry condemns (指责) them as the road to obesity (肥胖). So there is a conflict between the advertising of snacks and promotion of the lifestyle associated with them of having a good time and the attack on them as dangerous to our health from the just as aggressive diet industry. My advice, is to ignore the propaganda of both sides and enjoy snacks for what they are, which means bearing in mind that too much is too bad.

经典英语散文2 时光的齿轮咯吱作响,四季的脚步渐渐的,近了,又远了。虽不说四季分明,可也是有规律可寻的。










Time of gear creak, four feet gradually, near and far. Although the four seasons are not clear, they are also regular.

The wind of summer is running in this land gently and vividly, so it is free and pure.

The gentle wind kissed the river willow, across the hair, across a clean heart. However, breeze is always a willow Liulv dressing, can not afford this baptism, wandering, litter, and soil to a final. In the end, the blight of the leaves has failed to live up to a deep feeling. As the final song people don't see, not just disappear, I had to retire from two, Qian Feng, do not meet.

The ancient willow without former Ambilight, the rest of the atmosphere, after years of precipitation, the Mosuo hundred thousand peaks.

Green, like a silk lake of silk, clean, clean, no noise, but no one can ignore its existence. At the end of the hanging river willow in the water, durian, in the water across a gentle ripples slightly traces.

Qingshiban Road, after rain washed black, quaint atmosphere transfer a historical story, confused, a red dream shake, if the return Liufeng snow. The pale blue gown, Jun pull posture, deep eyes, a nation reflects the trials of a long journey. With the common people, to see the vast world.

Qingshiban stood on one side of the water, a grass, covered with thatch, simple house, the inside of the display is more simple. A plank bed, a candlestick, and some boards in the corner. Although it is simple, but very clean, see the intention of the master.

There lived an old man, not frail, is not strong, sometimes revealed a lot of weakness. A deaf and dumb old man. The wrinkled face could not see a glimmer of complaint about life, a melancholy about the situation

The summer rain is strong, the night rain is escaped inadvertently, to sway the world. The early morning crystal is clear and hangs on the tip of the grass. A flourish of vigor and vitality

The old man slowly pushed away the crumbling door and walked to the river. He stepped out of a foot and stepped into the boat. After stepping steadily, he got off the boat on the stone bank. Pick up the pulp and shake it gently. The boat, the willow leaves, the lake water, swaying in the wind into a harmonious picture.






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