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zhao_admin6个月前 (12-14)历史课件27


P48 3b

Gretel heard that their ________________planned to ________________ her and her brother. But Hansel had a plan to ________________himself and his sister. He went to get some white ________________ before he went to bed that night. The next day, the wife sent the children to the________________. Hansel ________________ the stones as they walked. Later that night, they could see the stones because of the shining ________________.The stones showed them the way home. Hansel wanted go get more stones, but his stepmother did not let him go out. The next morning, the wife sent the children to the forest again. Hansel had no stones, so he dropped ________________ of________________ .But the ________________ate them, so Hansel and Gretel were in the forest. They walked until they saw a ________________ made of food. Hansel wanted to ________________the house, but then they heard the voice of an old ________________coming from the house.


P59 3a

When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing. But I‟ve found the ship and made a small boat. I‟ve brought back many things I can use― food and drink, tools, knives and guns. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. I have already cut down trees and built a house. I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food. I‟m even learning to grow fruits and vegetables.

A few weeks ago, I found the marks of another man‟s feet on the sand. Who else is on my island? How long have they been here? Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house. I helped him kill the cannibals. This man now lives with me and helps me. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already taught him some English.


P78 2a

Hometown Feelings

Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. Among these is Zhong Wei, a 46-year-old husband and father. He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. With a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesn‟t find much time to visit his hometown. “I used to return home at least once a year, but I haven‟t been back for almost three years now. It‟s a shame, but I just don‟t have the time,” he says.

Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared. In many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help.

“I noticed that‟s true of my hometown,” adds Zhong Wei. “Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20th century. But now the buildings are really old. I hear they‟re going to build a new school there.” Zhong Wei thinks such developments are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same.

According to Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change. “In my hometown, there was a

big old tree opposite the school. It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place. Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree, especially during the summer holidays. It was such a happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.”

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