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新概念英语(新版)第二册Pre-Unit Test 2答案

zhao_admin5个月前 (12-17)英语课件20

A.a.1.I enjoyed the film yesterday.
2.My mother went to market.
3.(This morning)the children asked questions continuously in class(this morning).
4.(On Sundays)we stay at home(on Sundays).
5.(This morning)I borrowed a book from the library(this morning).
b.1.She rarely answers my letters.
2.The shops always close on Saturday afternoons.
3.We never work after six o,clock.
4.We sometimes spend our holidays abroad.
5.Do you ever buy CDs?
B.a.are playing…play…is kicking…is running
c.I have just received…He has been there…he has already visited…He has just bought…and has gone
d..1.What did you buy yesterday?
2.Up till now,he has never lent me anything.
3.Have you burnt those old papers yet?
4.He fought in Flanders in the First World War.
5.We have just won the match.
e.1.was leaving/left…arrived
2.was woeking/worked…was sitting/sat
3.was walking/walked…met
4.was reading…heard
f.I shall go to the theatre…Reg and Ishall/will see the first performance…the producer will give a short speech.He will speak to…The play will be very successful and I think a great many people will enjoy it very much..
g.1.shall be ironing
2.will be arriving
3.We,ll be seeing
4 shall be watching
5.will be correcting
h..1.After she had written the letter,she went to the post office.
2.After he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.
3.When I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off .
4.We did not disturb him until he had finished work..
5.As soonas he had left the room,I turned on the radio.
i. The Taj Mahai was built in the seventeenth century…A few years after he became/had become ruler,his wife…died.The Taj Mahal was built in her honour.Experts were called in from many parts of the world…The Taj Mahal,which was begun in 1632 and (was)completed in 1654 ,cost a fortune.Up to the present day,it was been visited by million of people.
j.1.told…would come/would be coming
3.told…had never played
4.did he say…had done/would do
5.did he tell…(had)bought/would buy
k.1.rains 2.will never pass 3.is
4.will get 5.enjoys
l.Fishing…catching…catching…having spent…fishing…fishing…sitting…doing
C.a.1.You must/will have to see a doctor.
2.Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?
3.She said we must/would have to/had to stay here.
4.I must/have to have some help.
5.He had to go out last night.
b.1.He must be a fool.
2 .He must be mad.
3.She must be over forty.
c.1.Can/May I use your telephone?
2.He may telephone tomrrow.
3.Can/May I have tow tickets please?
4.The play may have begun aiready.
5.Can/May I heave the table please?
D.a.some soap a picture some milk some money
a woman a window a bus some sand
some rice a/some newspaper some water
a cloud a son some coal a secretary some oil
b….to a house in Brige Street.Yesterday a beggar…for a meal and sang (some)songs.I gave him a meal.He ate the fod and drank the beer.Then he put a piece of cheese…Later a neighbour…His name is Percy Buttons…in the street once a month…asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
E.1.It is the most unusual flim I have ever seen.
2.Mr.Jones is a better teacher than Mr.Brown.
3.This book is more interesting than that one.
4.She is the laziest pupil in the class.
5.The weather today is worse than it was yeaterday.
F.1.in 2.On 3.during/in 4.at 5.on…in 6.in 7.at…in
G.1.in 2.from 3.on 4.of 5.in 6.of
A.1.By the way 2.borrowed 3.ask 4.grown
5.Beside 6.its 7.yet 8.desk
9.It is 10.home
B.1.at 2.up 3.on 4out….back 5.out
C.1.Who knocked this vase over?
2.Put your jacket on.
3.The thieves woke the night watchman up.
D.1.The office ordered the men to fire at the enemy.
2.He wants his wife to wear this dress.
3.She wants us to explain it.
4.I cannot allow him to enter the room.
5.She taught her son to read.
E.1.She made me this dress.
2.I lent him my typewriter.
3.I showed George the letter.
4.Pass your mother that cup.
5.Johnny gave his sister the doll.





