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zhao_admin5个月前 (12-24)英语课件16

1.from 11.on...in 21.of 31.from 2.on 12.of 22.of/from 32.on 3.in 13.in 23.of 33.on 4.on 14.on 24.from 34.on 5.from 15.of 25.in 35.in 6.from 16.of 26.on 36.from 7.of 17.from 27.on 37.on 8.on 18.fo...on 28.from 38.on 9.from 19.on 29.on 39.in 10.in 20.of...of 30.in 40.of 41.on 42.on 43.of 44.in 45.in 46.in 47.from 48.of 49.of 50.of 51.on 52.of 53.from 54.in 以上是新概念(新版)第二册22课课后填空所有答案,希望对你有所帮助。


LESSON 32 Shopping made easy
1 She is as clever as her sister.
2 He can run as fast as I can./...as fast as me.
3 That book is as interesting as this one.
4 This CD isn't so/as good as that one.
5 She doesn't speak English so/as well as I do./...as well as me.
B(Possible question)
Where did you use to live?
Where did you use to work?
What did you use to do?
How long did you use to work?
Did you use to earn very much money?
How long did you use to work in the bicycle shop?
How many people worked in your shop?
How many people do you empty now?
1 much 2 fewer 3 a little 4 less 5 a few 6 many 7 fewer 8 little 9 many 10 few
1 b 2 c 3 c

新概念第二册测试 答案

Key to Pre-unit Test 1
1.He is busy.
2.He is leaning English.
3.He has a new book.
4.He lives in the country.
5.He will see you tomorrow.
6.He can understand you.
7.He must write a letter.
8.He may come next week.
9.He does a lot of work every day.
10.He did a lot of work yesterday.
11.He played football yesterday.
12.He bought a new coat last week.
13.He has had a letter from Tom.
14.He was busy this morning.
15.He could play football very well when he was younger.
16.He always tries to get up early.
17.He might see you next week.
18.He always enjoys a good film.
19.He had finished his work before you came.
20.He watches television every night.

1.some 2.a 3.any 4.any 5.a 6.some 7.a 8.any 9.any 10.any

1.I haven't got much butter.
2.You haven't got many cigarettes.
3.We haven't got much milk.
4.She hasn't got many biscuits.
5.They haven't got much stationery.

1.bought 2.aired 3.lost 4.listened 5.emptied

1.Q.Did he buy a new car?
Q.What did he buy?
N.He didn't buy a new car.
2.Q.Can she come tomorrow?
Q.When can she come?
N.She can't come tomorrow.
3.Q.Were they here yesterday?
Q.When were they here?
N.They weren't here yesterday.
4.Q.Must he leave early?
Q.Why must he leave early?
N.He mustn't leave early.
5.Q.Did he give you a pen?
Q.What did he give you?
N.He didn't give you a pen.
6.Q.Does he live next door?
Q.Where does he live?
N.He doesn't live next door.
7.Q.Do you know him well?
Q.How well do you know him?
N.You don't know him well.
8.Q.Has he found his pen?
Q.What has he found?
N.He hasn't found his pen.
9.Q.Did you see that film?
Q.When did you see that film?
N.You didn't see that film.
10.Q.Did he arrive at two o'clock?
Q.When did he arrive?
N.He didn't arrive at two o'clock.

1.slowly 2.lazily 3.badly 4.carefully 5.suddenly

1.He'll... 2.She'll... 3.I'll... 4.He won't ... 5.We shan't...

1.his 2.mine 3.hers 4.theirs 5.yours

1.cooler 2.wetter 3.later 4.easier 5.more expensive 6.larger 7.more interesting 8.prettier 9.more beautiful 10.more intelligent

1.yesterday 2.tomorrow 3.today 4.this afternoon 5.the day after tomorrow 6.the day before yesterday 7.last night 8.tomorrow morning 9.this morning 10.yesterday afternoon

1.at 2.on 3.in 4.in 5.on

1.over 2.under 3.across/in 4.along 5.on 6.in 7.off 8.between 9.into 10 .out of

1.Which 2.Who 3.Which 4.Who 5.Which

1.This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.
2.He is the man whom I invited to the party.
3.These are the things which I bought yesterday.
4.He is the man who came here last week.
5.He is the policeman who caught the thieves.
6.She is the nurse who looked after me.
7.She is the woman whom I met yesterday.
8.I am the person who wrote to you.
9.They are the people whom I saw yesterday.
10.They are the trees which we cut down yesterday.

1.knives 2.boxes 3.shelves 4.wives 5.dishes

1.No,I didn't.I took her to a party.
2.Yes,I did.
3.She sat near the window.
4.A middle-aged lady (came into our compartment).
5.She was middle-aged.
6.She sat opposite Sally.
7.She saidHelloto Sally.
8.To make herself beautiful.(She did it to make herself beautiful.)
9.No,she didn't.She thought she was ugly.
10.She said,But you are still ugly.(She said she was still ugly.)

Key to Pre-unit Test 3

Key structures

1.He read the book and returned it to the library.
2.The boy climbed the tree and picked some apples.
3.I opened the door and he came into the hall.
4.He looked for his pen but (he) could not find it.
5.She called to him but he didn't answer her.
6.Everyone was out so I left a message.
7.He plays both soccer and rugby.
8.Both children and adults enjoy holidays.
9.He must be either very clever or very foolish.
10.Neither George nor Dave plays football.
11.George plays neither soccer nor rugby.
12.He neither knows nor cares.
13.He not only forgot to take his umbrella but he forgot to take his briefcase as well.


believe...are joking...do not know...know...believe...forget...looked...Are you trying...believed...think...do you live...do not know
b put...cooked...smelt...told...sang...began...felt...put...crept
has begun...was...flew...has flown...landed...landed...has just refused...wanted...did not take...was
was telling/told...used to work...was...used to work...saved...bought...used to make...had...employed...smiled...remembered...was still smiling...opened...came...wanted
1.We are going to leave at 6 o'clock.
2.I am going to pay these bills tomorrow.
3.Are you going to write to him?
4.She is not going to look for a new job.
5.When are you going to buy a new car?
will be held...will be visiting...will be building...will also be building...will be held...will be called...will have completed...will have finished
found...had run...had spent...took...saw...burst...said...had never run
was asked...was wanted...was told...had been picked up...is now being sent...to be found...was stolen
1.He said (that) he was very tired.
2.She asked if I was tired.
3.Tom asked if Jack would arrive tomorrow.
4.Tom asked when Jack would arrive.
5.Mary asked if I'd ever been abroad.
6.Jane asked why I hadn't written to her.
2.don't hurry
3.you'd enjoy
1.to see
3.to leave
4.arguing/to argue

1.Have a look at this.
2.He had a wash before going out.
3.I had a swim in the sea this morning.
4.She is having a rest.
1.Could 2.was able to 3.could 4.was able to

The Wayle...a small river...the park...the Wayle...the river bank...Some children...games...the bank...some people...the river...the children...a ball...a passing boat...Some people...the bank...the man in the boat...The ball...the water...the children...any

1.There's little I can do to help him.
2.There aren't many apples on the tree, but you can pick a few if you want to.
3.He has less work to do than I have.
4.There isn't much whisky in this bottle, but you can have a little if you want it.
5.He has fewer books than I have.
6.There were few people in the shop.

1.to 2.out of/from 3.(up)to 4.at 5.into

1.with...to 2.for 3.for 4.with 5.at

Special difficulties
1.too 2.denied 3.jobs 4.passed 5.other 6.looked at
7.so 8.such a 9.continuously 10.robbed 11.one 12.notice
'Haven't you finished this book yet?' he asked.
'I haven't even started it,' I answered.
'Why not?' he asked.'It's an exciting story.'
'Perhaps it is,' I answered, 'but it's too difficult for me. I spend more time looking up the dictionary than reading the book.'
1.out 2.up 3.with 4.up 5.back
1.made 2.make 3.does 4.make 5.do 6.makes



