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zhao_admin5个月前 (01-03)语文课件24


没关系用英语怎么写 That's all right

That's all right的英语例句 1. I had a little brush with my wife just now, that's all right.

我刚与妻子发生了一点口角, 不过没什么.

2. I ought to think about going actually. If that's all right with you. ― Yeah. No problem.


3. I've made you late. ― No that's all right. I can roll in when I feel like it.


4. Why, that's all right,'said the manager, when the kick came.

“ 咳, 这没什么嘛, 当听到抗议时,经理说道.

5. And I'll say,'Oh, that's all right, if it's strong enough.'

我就说: ‘ 哦, 没关系, 只要够冲就行. ’

6. Well, you can go out to the flat then, that's all right.

“ 然后你回你姐姐家的公寓去好了.

7. That's all right. I just want to ask whether you develop photographs.

那没关系, 我只问一下你们是否洗印照片.

8. That's all right, little girl. Don't be frightened.

放心好啦, 小姑娘,千万别惊慌.

9. Oh, that's all right, answered the little girl, good - naturedly, glad to be of service.

“ 哦, 这没问题, 这位小姑娘友善地回答, 很高兴能帮上忙.

10. That's all right. I hope we can help you at some other time. Good - bye .

好了, 希望我们今后还能给你帮助. 再见.

11. That's all right. He was sick for a long time.

没关系, 去世之前,他病了很久.

12. That's all right. Perhaps some other time.

没有关系, 或许改天吧!

13. No, that's all right. I'll call again later.

不, 没有关系, 我待会儿会再打来.

14. Oh, that's all right. Just make yourself comfortable.

噢, 没什么事, 别拘束就行.

15. That's all right. I'll just get a cloth and wipe it up.

没关系, 我去拿抹布擦一下就行了.

all right的双语例句 1. Can you walk all right? the nurse asked him.


2. All right, Mrs Bates, she said. We'll do it your way.


3. Get the guy in the purple shirt. ― All right, my man.


4. Do you think it would be all right if I smoked?


5. All right, I can manage a fiver, McMinn said with reluctance.


6. I'm all right here. Go on with your work.


7. I think you should go now. ― All right.


8. I'll be all right, he said airily. It was only a thought.


9. Are you all right? You look terrible. Are you sick?


10. All right, he said at last. You may go.


11. All she's worried about is whether he is all right.


12. Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut.


13. This is really something. Someone actually thinks my records are all right!


14. All right, boys and girls, let's meet again next week.


15. You'll mend. The X-rays show that your arm will heal all right.





