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zhao_admin5个月前 (01-04)英语课件24

mattern 问题,事情

What’s the matter?怎么了?出什么事了?

soreadj 疼痛的,酸痛的

haveacold 感冒

stomachachen 胃痛,腹痛

haveastomachache 胃痛

footn 足,脚

neckn 颈,脖子

stomachn 胃,腹部

throatn 咽喉,喉咙

fevern 发烧

liev 躺,平躺

liedown 躺下

restv 放松,休息

couhgv 咳嗽

X-rayn x射线,x光

toothachen 牙痛


do,does,did+v. shall,will+v. be going to+v. had better+v. let sb.+v. make sb+v. to+v. can,may,must+v. would,could+v. why not+v. would you please+v. like doing /to do enjoy doing finish doing keep doing practise doing keep from doing go on doing prevent......from doing go on doing stop......from doing thank you /thanks for doing notice sb doing how /what about doing stop doing/to do remember doing/to do forget doing/to do be busy doing be worth doinghave lots of fun doing feel like doing be used for doing want to do try to do tell sb to do ask sb to do begin to do be to do it's+adj.+ to do be sorry /glad to do be pleased to do it's time to do have no time to do ti take sb st to do would you like to do decide to do n.+ to do plan to do deside to do need to do


On Saturday, I did my homework and some reading in the morning. In the afternoon, I did some cleaning. I saw a flim on the computer in the evening. On Sunday, I played basketball with friends and went to the market for some food in the afternoon. In the evening I went to a concert by Jay Chou.




标签: 七下英语
