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zhao_admin4个月前 (01-20)英语课件18


大学英语故事短文篇一 正面的偶像 The Positive Idol

With the development of Internet, people can get the instant news and many people keep their eyes on the hot news, which makes other people get famous easily. As the saying that good news will not be spread while the bad news will, people get famous by presenting the immoral acts and the audience promotes it. We need the positive idols.


Looking back on the hot figures these years, we can find that Internet provides people a large stage to get fame, there is no doubt that the fastest way to catch people’s attention is to attact others by rude words. The audience really loves to see it, they enjoy seeing people acting impolitely. People ignore appreciating the truth and beauty, they are the supporters of vulgar culture.


As our society is in the stage of transition, the new value has not been formed, so people are lost in it. They chase after the vulgar culture just to show the unsatisfaction of the society. Chasing idol is everybody’s right, but a idol should stand for the postive sides, or there is meaningless to do it.


大学英语故事短文篇二 终身学习 Life-long Learning

Chairman Mao once said one is never too old to learn, his words have inspired so many people to study all the time. Life-long learning is very necessary today, many teachers have kept studying for they need to refresh their knowledge. For me, I also like to keep life-long learning, the reasons are in the following.


On the one hand, the society develops so fast, I don’t want to be kicked out, so I need to keep studying and make myself keep pace with the time. Like the old people, they don’t know how to use computer, some of them learn the computer and some refuse to learn. The result is that the one who doesn’t use computer can’t keep pace with the time.


On the other hand, life-long learning helps me have the passion on life. I am always curious about the new things, so I will want to know them more. If I stop learning, I will stop thinking and feel myself like waiting to die, how terrible it is.


Life-long learning is necessary for everyone, it is the only way to make us keep pace with the time.


大学英语故事短文篇三 维多利亚的成功人生 Victoria’s Successful Life

Everybody knows David Beckham who is a famous football player and his wife is also well famous. Victoria Beckham was from a sing team called Spice Girls, she dropped out of the team many years ago and focused on her fashion career. She not only has a happy family, but also owns the successful career.


Victoria has a big family. She has three boys and a girl. The three boys are as handsome as his father and the daughter is as beautiful as her. The big family catches the media’s attention, every time they go out for the activity, the media will shot many photos. Their news makes the world crazy about them.


Victoria also makes her fashion career so successful. Before she went to the fashion circle, no one would think about how she was good at it. She sets up her fashion branch and the celebrities like her design. Now her branch is welcomed by the world, she has proven herself.


As a mother and official lady, Victoria manages the family and the career so well. She sets the good example for the women.









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