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zhao_admin4个月前 (01-25)英语课件23




guai ba xuan san gei wo dian a


13 英美文学 On the image of Hamlet and his Delay let and HisDelay

14 英美文学 On the Themes of Whitman's Poetry

15 英美文学 A Feminist Perspective to Jane Eyre

16 英美文学 Between Love and Hatred

------On the Theme of Wuthering Heights

17 英美文学 The Features of Mark Twain's Language

18 英美文学 On Hemingway's Code Hero

19 英美文学 Personal Tragedy As Well As Social Tragedy

------On Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy

20 英美文学 A Comparative Study between Shelley and Byron

21 英美文学 The Influence of Eugene O'Neil on Cao Yu

22 英美文学 On the Imagery in The Love song Of J.Alfred Prufrock

23 英美文学 On the Imagery in The Love song Of J.Alfred Prufrock

24 英美文学 On the Imagery in The Love song Of J.Alfred Prufrock

25 英美文学 Mirror of the Age




On Information Resources


With the development of human society, the way people gather information more and more diversified.Information resources as a special social resources, With strategic nature, can spread the properties, it can increase the properties and comprehensive quality characteristics. Information resource with great economic and social value, not only is important to take a new road to industrialization led forces, but also changes the mode of production and social progress in an enormous boost.


theoretical exploration; information resources; Transformation

1 Introductio

Information resources, as a special configuration has a special meaning and forms of social resources, their role is with each passing day growing. Information resources are the basic elements of modern social productive forces, while change in the way of social production and people's way of life enhancement, resulting in an invaluable influence and promote the role. At the same time in the modern society, the content of information resources is continuously expanding to include not only the growing number of natural science information resources, but also times of social science information resources. The availability of information resources and use of attention is whether the growth of a country's comprehensive national strength is an important factor, but also the extent a country is an important symbol of modernization.




