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zhao_admin4个月前 (02-03)英语课件16

Dear xxx,
i wonder if we could coorperate with your company. our company will arrange all the staff to have a travel in holidays.so i would like to know some information on the travelling .first, i want to know if there exsists some travelling line on disacount.And how much we will be spend .Then,i am willing to tell you that there are 400 people taking part in it and we just have a week.The last thing is that i want you to make an arrangement for us ,especially the plan for us ,especially the plan for our trip.Thanks.
yours, x company Wanglin


小鸭子得救了 一只活泼可爱的小鸭子去游泳。可是,到了河边,他东瞧瞧,西望望,一不小心掉在一个又大又深的坑里。 他拼命地喊:“救命啊!救命啊......”小猴正好路过,听到喊声急忙跑过来说:“小鸭子,别着急,我想办法救你上来。”他拿来一根长竹竿伸进坑里,让小鸭子叼住。可竹竿太滑,小鸭子叼不住。小后边去叫小熊哥哥。 小熊哥哥赶紧提来一桶水,说“小鸭子,别着急,我把水倒进坑里,你就浮上来了。”说着,把水往坑里一倒。可坑里的图很松散,没等第二桶水提来,水早渗到地下了,小猴只好找大象伯伯。 大象伯伯跑来说:“不怕,我用鼻子卷你上来!”可是行不通,大象鼻子有点短。 这时,小猴子拍拍脑子说:“我们一倒水,小鸭子就可以浮上来了~”大家一起拿了水,泼向坑里,最后小鸭子浮了上来,得救了~! 小鸭子感谢了所有人,一起在欢乐的歌声与阳光下一起做游戏,一起回到了家。 翻译: Little duck was saved A lively lovable duck swimming. But, by the river, he looked at east, west, carelessly fall in a big and deep pit. He desperately to shout: help! Help!... Little monkey just passing by, heard shouts hurried said, little duck, don't worry, I tried to deliver you up. He took a long bamboo pole into a pit, let little duck live in. Bamboo is too slippery, can not duck diao. Little bear brother to call back. Bear brother hurriedly to a bucket of water and said, little duck, don't worry, I poured water into a pit, you up. The water into a pit, a fall. But the figure is very loose pit, not to mention if two buckets of water, underground water into the early, little monkey had to find an elephant's uncle. Elephants are not afraid to say: uncle, running nose with me you up! But a short nose, elephant work. At that time, little monkey brains said: we clap a water, duck can float ~ together, and took the waters to pit, finally duck bobbed up, saved ~! Thanks for all the little ducks, together with the sunshine joyful songs play games together, to return home.




