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zhao_admin5个月前 (02-07)英语课件15

  How to improve your english? It's hard to say very clearly for it has many consecutions。 But some methods you should do it, it is very improptant to help your english。
  these 1-5 is come from my english teacher that he told me how to study in this class, last one is mine。1st: copy-- pronounce(you must copy the pronounce from your english teacher)this one is the most improtant in learn english。
  aslo itis a basic for your english。you should cope all times when you speak english, please don't speak your owen pronounce。
  第一个就是要模仿老外讲话的语气语调,这是基础也是最重要的。不要以为你的自己的语调是最好的,多多模仿,才能让你的口腔肌肉越来越熟练,越来越想老外。2nd: communionation ( you should speak english in your english class,most of the time in english class,the students should say english 95%or more(STT),and the teacher only the last time(TTT)。
  第二就是要交流,多多交流是学好英语的关键,一般英语课交流时间学生要占去95百分比,这样才是正确的英语课。3rd: vocabulary (this is usually the chinese students done it。because they have to get the CET4 and CET6,they have to recite many vocabularies)but indeed,there is not a very good skill。
  vocabulary is not the most improtant in your english。 some people if they know about 5000words,it is enough。we usually use only 2000 words in our lives。
  My english teacher said that if you don't know the word that in the sentences,you can guess its mean。第四个是词汇,一般中国学生因为考试缘故,这个词汇一直在学习,但实际上一般常用核心词汇只有几千个,所以词汇并不是英语学习的最重要的,只要会用运大概5000个左右就可以了,其他词汇了解即可。
  在文章中遇到不懂的词汇,就试着去猜,错了也不要紧,一般不会引起什么问题,他就经常这么做的。4th: okey,you should like your english study very much。that could give you much power,and could let you study quickly。
  i ask how to let you interest study english,the teacher said:i don't know, my god````)学习英语要有兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师。5th: yes ,of course, you should study smart,it is very useful to let your english study funny。
  i aslo ask teacher how to let your study smart,he aslo said:i don't know,o``h```my```god!!!你要聪明的学习英语。last: this is my opinion,that NCE is the best english books in China,so you should recite band2,3,4, then ,you could looks like xiaoqiang who is come from new orient school。
  最后一个当然是你要努力一直背诵新概念英语,最好把2,3,4册都背下来,那样你就可以像新东方的小强一样,笑傲江湖。that all ,come on every body, i think you all can let your english excellent!!!加油,一起学习英语,一起努力,一起坚持,一起进步!!!请有选择的摘录两三段。




