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zhao_admin3个月前 (02-10)英语课件20


熟能生巧 [ shú néng shēng qiǎo ]

Practice makes perfect .

skill comes from practice



I can not believe it 难以置信Tell me I am dreaming告诉我,这是梦

That we are still awe 我们都很懦弱

It was amazing 太奇怪了

Said you were lucky 你说你很幸运

That you found me 因为你遇见我了

It was on a rainy day that we met 那天下着雨,我们都淋湿了

You did not have a place to go 你无处可去

I said we met so lets go slow but no我说既然我们有缘认识我们就慢慢走吧(这句子不通顺 ,不知道想表达什么)

You just tell me to keep you from the cold 你叫我帮你御寒

Sorry I can not take it 对不起我做不到

Why did you fake it Why did we kiss 为什么你要说谎,为什么我们会接吻?

And I am just down 我只是心情低落

You left me with a note without a sound 你一声不响地走了,只留下一个小纸条

I figured I must have been such a child 我想我肯定很幼稚

You will never know how much I have been around你永远不会知道我的世界改变了多少

How my heart just frowns 我的心缩成一团

If you are down 如果你心情不好

I will be your teddy bear I will be your clown 我就是你的泰迪熊我就是你的小丑

I will take you round and round and 我会带你到处走

If you do not mind I cound be your standing ground你不介意的话我就是你坚实的后盾

Even if that means I had drown即使我会沉沦

I said we met so lets go slow but no 我说既然我们有缘认识那我们就慢慢走吧

You just tell me to keep you from the cold 你叫我帮你御寒

Sorry I can not take it 对不起我做不到

Why did you fake it Why did we kiss


And I am just down 我只是心情低落

You left me with a note without a sound 你一声不响地走了,只留下一个小纸条

I figured I must have been such a child 我想我肯定很幼稚

You will never know how much I have been around 你永远不会知道我的世界改变了多少

How my heart just frowns 我的心缩成一团

If you are down如果你心情不好

I will be your teddy bear I will be your clown 我就是你的泰迪熊我就是你的小丑

I will take you round and round and 我会带你到处走

If you do not mind I cound be your standing ground你不介意的话我就是你坚实的后盾

Even if that means I had drown即使我会沉沦

And baby that will be my one last vow这就是我最后的愿望



Practice makes perfect

Many classmates always ask me a question: how to make their English better? My answers is to practice and practice.

Practice is important to make your English well. Not only copying the words, not only to do one pages two pages exercise. You need to talk, you need to use your knowledge to talk to other people. That’s the reason that we learn English. You need to practice you speaking, practice your listening. By the base of the syntax that teachers teaches you on the class and the words in your memory.

Without practice, your English won’t be good. So we need to find chances to practice our English. There is a saying, Practice makes perfect, and it means if you always practice something, you will be good.




