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zhao_admin3个月前 (02-22)英语课件10


4b unit 3 what’s your job?
Dear judge, good morning. Today, I’d like to talk about unit 3 what’s your job?, oxford primary school, English book, 4b. I divide this unit into 5periods, and this is the 1st. I’d like to talk about it in 3 parts.
Part 1 analysis of the teaching material.
the content of this lesson is about vocations. From this lesson, Ss should know how to ask others about their jobs. I’ll use learned knowledge to create real situation for them.
According to the content, I confirm my teaching aims as follow.
1. knowledge aims: to enable ss grasp the new words: wait waitress, cook and farmer and the sentences: what’s sb’s job? I’m/he’s/ she’s a …/ they are…
2. ability aims: to enable ss grasp the words and sentences firmly and use them freely to make dialogues in a real situation.
3. emotion aims: to enable ss ask others politely, and put the moral education in eng study. They should not waste food.
The key point is to enable ss grasp the new sentences and words.
the difficult points are the plural form of both words and sentences and the pronunciation of waitresses.
Part 2 teaching and studying methods
Use direct method to show real things to help ss understand the characteristics of each occupation. Use situational approach to create real situation for the ss and help them feel relaxed in my class. I’ll also use CAI, cards, words and sentences cards, masks, school things and ties to help.

Part3 teaching procedures
Step1 warm up
1. greetings
use sentences patters: what’s your name? are you a student? What’s her/ his name? how old are you? to help ss get ready for the class.
2. a puzzle game
show pieces of pics on ppt. for example: a part of a woman, long hair, a ruler, a book like a puzzle. Ask ss to guess. Ask two questions: what’s this? Who’s that woman with long hair? Show the original pic, check the answer. Show 4 pics, to do a pair word.

Step 2 presentation
1. teach “what’s your job? I’m a…”
show a pic of Miss Liu, say :”look, this is Miss Liu.” I speak to Miss Liu with the help of CAI,”Hi, Miss Liu. What’s your job?” Miss liu says:” I’m a teacher.” Show a mask of Miss Liu. Put it on S1’ head, ask: “Hello, what’s your job?” lead S1 to say: “I’m a teacher.” Ask S2 again, show the sentence on the screen. Write it on the Bb(black board). Teach. Read several times. show the hats of doctor and nurse, ask ss to do pair works.
2. teach what’s her/his job?
show another two pics of two jobs. Point to the woman, ask: what’s her job? Guess. Lead ss to use “she’s a teacher.” to answer. Teach the sentence pattern. Have a chant: her job, her job, what’s her job? A teacher, a teacher, she’s a teacher.
use the other pic to teacher “his”, and encourage ss to have another chant : his job, his job, what’s his job?....
3. teach waiter, waitress.
show a man’s pic in a restaurant. Ask ss to guess what’s his job? Ss guess. Show the tie of a waiter, and say , “look, he’s a waiter.” Write the word on the BB. Teach the word and spell it. Read it one by one. Show a pi of a woman. Ask ss to guess. Show waitress’s tie. And teach waitress. Pay attention to the spelling and the pronunciation of it.
4. teach cook farmer
show the hat of the cook. Put it on my head, and do the action, say:” now, I’m not a teacher. I’m a cook.”. teach the word cook and spell it. Write on the BB. Put the hat on the s’s head. Ask 1st the question “what’s your job?” then put the hat on S2. ask S1 to ask S2. put the hat on a boy’s head, ask others “what’s his/her job?” like this.
show a Chinese poem: Chu He on the screen. Do the action, and ask Ss to guess my job. Teach the word farmer. Show the pic of a farmer. Write it on the BB. Have one s to do action, make ss to make dialogues like this.
5. teach what are their jobs? They’re… and the words’ plural forms.
when ss give a good answer or do better in pair works, I’ ll give them a card. Use the cards which write an occupation. Ask s question what’s your job? And find out 2 have the same occupation, say:”S1 is a waiter, S2 is a waiter. They are waiters.” Write “waiters” and “they’re ”on the BB. Ask other ss “what are their jobs?” twice. Write it on the BB. Read it several times. Show other pics of the occupations teach today. Teach the plural forms one by one. Have a pair work.

Step3 practice
1. magic ears
show 4 occupations, I say 3 of them quickly, Ss find out what’s the missing one. Circle it out on their exercises papers.
2. magic eyes
use the occupation card. Pick one, and do the action, and Ss guess. Have others play the guessing game.
3. show 3.5 6 pic of Part C
make a dialogue with a s first and make others do the left.

Step 4 homework
1. listen read and write the new words.
2. finish a card :
my name card after 20 years
3. find out what your parents’ jobs. Finish the card II
My father/mother

part 4 Blackboard design
unit 3 what’s your job?
what’s your/ his/ her job? What are their jobs?
She’s … they’re….
here are the words, here are the sentence patterns.
They are the key points of this lesson.

That’s all about my lesson. Thank you.








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