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zhao_admin3个月前 (03-16)英语课件16


六级英语听力小短文原文篇一 In early 1994, when MarkAndreessen was just 23 years old, he arrived in Silicon Valley with anideathat would change the world. As a student at the University of Illinois, he andhis friends haddeveloped a program called Mosaic, which allowed people toshare information on the worldwideweb. Before Mosaic, the web had been usedmainly by scientists and other technical people,who were happy just to sendand receive text. But with Mosaic, Andreessen and his friends haddeveloped aprogram, which could send images over the web as well. Mosaic was anovernightsuccess.

It was put on the university's network at the beginning of 1993. Andby theend of the year, it had over a million users. Soon after, Andreessenwent to seek his fortune inSilicon Valley. Once he got there, he started tohave meetings with a man called Jim Clark, whowas one of the Valley's mostfamous entrepreneurs. In 1994, nobody was making any realmoney from theInternet, which was still very slow and hard to use. But Andreessen had seenan opportunity thatwould make him and Clark rich within two years. He suggested they shouldcreatea new computer program that would do the same job as Mosaic but would be mucheasierto use. Clark listened carefully to Andreessen, whose ideas andenthusiasm impressed himgreatly. Eventually, Clark agreed to invest threemillion dollars of his own money in the project,and to raise an extra fifteenmillion from venture capitalists, who were always keen to listen toClark's newideas.

六级英语听力小短文原文篇二 Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits ofproducts and services andattempts to persuade them to buy them. The best formof advertising is probably word ofmouth advertising which occurs when peopletell their friends about the benefits of products orservices that they havepurchased. Yet virtually no providers of goods or services relay on thisalone,which using paid advertising instead. Indeed many organizations also use institutionalorprestige advertising which is designed to build up their reputation ratherthan to sellparticular products.

Although large companies could easily set up theirown advertisingdepartments, write their own advertisements and by media space themselves.They tend to usethe services of large advertising agencies. These are likelyto have more resources and moreknowledge about all aspects of advertising andadvertising media than single company. It is alsoeasier for a dissatisfycompany to give its account to another agency. And it would be to firetheirown advertising staff. The company generally give the advertising agency andagreedbudget. A statement of the objective of the advertising campaign know asbrief and overalladvertising strategy concerning the message to becommunicated to the target customers. Theagency creates advertisements anddevelops a media prime, specifying which media will be usedand in which proportions.Agencies often produce alternative ads or commercials thatpretested innewspapers, television stations etc. in different parts of the country. Beforea finalchoices was made

六级英语听力小短文原文篇三 Extinction is a difficult concept to grasp. It is aneternal concept. It is not at all like the killing ofindividual life forms that can be renewedthrough normal processes of reproduction. Nor issimply diminishing numbers.Nor is it damage that can somehow be remedied or for whichsome substitute canbe found. Nor is it something that only affects our own generation. Nor isit somethingthat could be remedied by some supernatural power. It is, rather, an absoluteandfinal act which there is no remedy on earth or in heaven. A species onceextinct, it's goneforever. However many generations succeed us in comingcenturies, none of them will ever seethis species that we extinguish.

Not onlyus we bring about extinction of life on a vast scale.We are also making theland and the air and sea so toxic that the very conditions of life arebeing destroyed.As regard natural resources ,not only are the none renewable resourcesbeingused up in a of frenzy of processing, consuming and disposing but we are alsoruiningmuch of our renewable resources. Such as the very solid self on which terrestriallife depends.The change that is taking place on the earth and in our minds isone of the greatest changesever to take place in human affairs. Perhaps thegreatest, since we are talking about is notsimply another historical change orcultural modification. But it change the geological andbiological as well as psychologicalorder of magnitude.








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