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zhao_admin3个月前 (03-22)英语课件9



historical figures

rine Bieil for over a decade. The nearby convent was her

historical personage



historical figure


英文:Of Tang 玄 the medium cheerful monarch which is a Tang Dynasty, 睿 the third son.Because in order to go to way big saint big and clear filial piety emperor, 谥 number so also be called clear 皇 .Martial have political ability, open a dollar period text to cure fighting skill vigorous, a life time is called open a dollar to cure.The day dotes on a jade bracelet after the treasure, sealing for the imperial concubine, the jade bracelet head of family is all suddenly expensive, power 倾 world.And the mountain of Anne 禄 is anti-, the 玄 leaves, going to a horse 嵬 ascent, six soldiers aren't willing to go ago, calling country 忠 in the non-Han nationalities, but having anti- mountain of Anne 禄 , the 玄 was a ream to kill country 忠 .Six soldiers aren't willing to go ago again, calling the country 忠 as the imperial concubine cousin, cousin's guilty, cousin as well unavoidably, the imperial concubine was as well hanged to death in the road ancestral temple.The 玄 refuge rushes 蜀 , empress the 肃 ascend the throne in work properly force, is an emperor's father.Reign for 43 years.The 玄旁耐 likes song and dance music, once teaching song and dance in the theater, so future generations it is 伶 the person's ancestors.Clay-cold 玄 temple. 中文:唐玄宗是唐代的中兴君主,睿宗的第三子。因谥号为至道大圣大明孝皇帝,故亦称为明皇。英武有才略,开元时期文治武功鼎盛,世称为「开元之治」。天宝后,宠爱杨杨玉环,封为贵妃,杨玉环父兄均骤贵,势倾天下。及安禄山反,玄宗出奔,至马嵬坡,六军不肯前行,谓杨国忠通于胡人,而有安禄山之反,玄宗乃令杀国忠。六军又不肯前行,谓杨国忠为贵妃堂兄,堂兄有罪,堂妹亦难免,贵妃亦被缢死于路祠。玄宗避难奔蜀,后肃宗即位于灵稿启销武,尊为太上皇键游。在位四十三年。玄宗喜爱歌舞音乐,曾于梨园教歌舞,所以后世尊其为伶人之祖师爷。死后庙号玄宗。

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这个文章是说马克思的~蛮好读的~ Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 C March 14, 1883) was a Prussian philosopher, political economist, and revolutionary. Marx addressed a wide range of issues; he is most famous for his analysis of history, summed up in the opening line of the introduction to the Communist Manifesto (1848): The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Marx believed that capitalism would be replaced by socialism which in turn would bring about communism. Marx was both a scholar and a political activist, often called the father of communism. Sometimes, he argued that his analysis of capitalism revealed that capitalism was destined to end because of unsolvable problems within it: “ The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable. ” ― (The Communist Manifesto) Other times, he argued that capitalism would end through the organized actions of an international working class: Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence. (from The German Ideology) While Marx was a relatively obscure figure in his own lifetime, his ideas began to exert a major influence on workers’ movements shortly after his death. This influence was given added impetus by the victory of the Marxist Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution, and there are few parts of the world which were not significantly touched by Marxian ideas in the course of the twentieth century. The relation of Marx to Marxism is a point of controversy. While some argue that his ideas are discredited, Marxism remains influential in academic and political circles. In his book Marx’s ’Das Kapital’ (2006), biographer Francis Wheen reiterates David McLellan’s observation that since Marx’s ideas had not triumphed in the West ..it had not been turned into an official ideology and is thus the object of serious study unimpeded by government controls..









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