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高级综合商务英语Unit4 A memo to ceos文章读后感

zhao_admin2个月前 (04-05)语文课件14

高级综合商务英语Unit4 A memo to ceos文章读后感







读读这篇文章,希望能帮到你。Cycling, which means riding a bike, is popular among children from across the UK. They have saved parents more than ₤368,000 in petrol (汽油) costs in the last three weeks, by cycling a million miles to school.

The journeys were made as part of Sustrans' Big Pedal-the UK's biggest school cycling competition, started by the world's top cyclist, Mark. More than 1,000 schools around the country took part.

With petrol prices rising, families across the country are looking for ways to cut back on petrol costs. The Big Pedal shows just how easy it is to leave the car at home and use two wheels for short journeys like the school run.

More than a quarter of a million children have shown how choosing two wheels instead of four can help families save money. If children keep cycling to school all the year round, families in the UK can save themselves nearly ₤3 million in petrol costs.

According to Matt, director for the East Midlands, cycling not only helps families save on petrol costs,but also improves a child's performance at school.

Actually, cycling is good for kids. By regularly cycling to school, we become fitter, smarter and better learners. a student called Tommy said confidently.

It's great to see more people cycling, and I always smile when I see a family or a child on a bike. So many kids want to cycle, so we should make it easy for them to get around by bike and keep healthy. Mark said.

In order to encourage more schools to take part in the cycling competition, Joseph from Sustrans. org. uk mentioned that prizes would be offered. Schools can choose any six weeks in the year to take part in the competition




